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The aim of therapy

Elimination of excess bile, renewal of liver and bile duct function, blood purification, reduction of hypertension.

Content of the programme:

1. Daily medical check-up and medical follow-up

2. 1 × 90 minutes of Ayurvedic therapy may be prescribed by a doctor:

- Abhyanga massage
- Udvartana
- Patra Potli, Rízs Potli, Aghni Potli
- Marma massage

- Hot oil treatments: Uro basti, Griva basti, Kati basti, Prista basti, Janu Basti,Kidney iron, Shiro iron, Netro iron

- Svedana (Bapha sveda, Nadi sveda)
- Shirodhara therapy with oil and milk
- Packages (Lepa)

4. Occupational therapy may be prescribed by a doctor:
- physiotherapy
- yoga + pranajama (breathing exercises)
- cardio training
- or chi

4. Cleaning procedures:
- virechana

5. Phytotherapeutic remedies for cleansing the body, bile elimination

8. Healing nutrition (vegetarian and dietary foods on prescription)

Complementary therapies, as prescribed by your doctor, may be:

metamer therapy
plasma therapy
collagen injection
manual therapy
medicines prescribed at the end of the programme to continue the treatment at home
services of external specialists
ultrasound, ECG, laboratory tests
medicines (other than those manufactured by Calendula Pharma).

