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Gastroenterolo­gical diseases

The digestive system is a laboratory that produces essential nutrients and chemical elements for the cells. The health of the whole body depends on how this laboratory functions. According to Ayurveda, the gastrointestinal tract is the primary link in pathophysiology.

Ayurvedic therapies eliminate symptoms of digestive disorders. Above all, they help to influence the autonomic nervous system (relaxation procedures, repair of internal organs). In addition to increased sympathetic tone, there is a delay or acceleration of digestion. Chaos of the digestive tract leads to irritable bowel syndrome, excessive acid secretion, gastritis and other diseases.

Main causes of diseases of the digestive tract:

- nutrition - irregular intake, malnutrition, overeating, unbalanced diet, fast food- obesity- side effects of medication- heredity- health code violations during cooking- bad habits- endocrine system diseases- metabolic disorders- stress- parasitic infections- poor ecology- viruses and infections

Symptoms of digestive diseases:

Heartburn - burning sensation in the sternum, spreading upwards into the oral cavity
Abdominal pain
Swallowing disorder (dysphalgia) - occurs due to inflammation, tumours, foreign bodies in the oesophagus, oral cavity, larynx and many diseases of the central nervous system
Numbness - stomach and duodenal pathology, sometimes due to gallbladder or liver disease
Constipation - absence of stools for at least two days
Flatulence - bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, followed by gas
Diarrhoea - loose stools, single or frequent. This is a symptom of poisoning, infections, nervous disorders. It may be caused by sharp changes in climate, unusual foods and intense physical exertion.
Cough - dysbiosis, a symptom of infectious diseases, the presence of worms

They can be successfully treated in our clinic:

- Functional digestive disorders (heartburn, reflux, bloating, irregular stools, constipation, IBS); gastritis, duodenitis; gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers; liver steatosis, hepatitis sequelae- gallbladder disorders (cholecystitis, biliary tract dyskinesia, cholangitis)- pancreatitis- IBD (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease)

Treating diseases of the digestive tract requires an integrated approach. This includes physiotherapy, drugs and herbal therapy, as well as diet.

Recommended therapeutic programmes

Depending on the severity of the condition and the form of the disease, the recommended programmes are "Comprehensive Panchakarma" or the "Remedial programme", can be applied by correcting therapies and customizing herbs.

