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Nervous system diseases

Neurological disorders include diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (brain and spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular nodes and muscles). Neurological diseases vary in severity.

Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS): epilepsy and stroke, syringomyelia and multiple sclerosis, degenerative processes (Alzheimer's disease), tumours, infections and injuries.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: neuralgia, neuropathy, myasthenia gravis, radiculopathy (injuries to the nerve root) and some muscle diseases.

In our clinic we can help in the following cases:
  • akut és krónikus fejfájás (migrén, fejfájás stb.),
  • alvászavarok,
  • krónikus fájdalomproblémák,
  • trigeminális neuralgia,
  • arcbénulás,
  • ideghólyag szindróma,
  • idegfertőzések.

Diseases of the nervous system can have many causes, such as prolonged nervous tension, stress, disruption of daily routine, sedentary lifestyle, etc. Neurological diseases usually manifest themselves in dysfunctions of other organs and systems. Symptoms include loss of balance and coordination of movements when walking, difficulty in spatial orientation, impaired memory, weakness and paralysis.

A doctor should be consulted to ensure correct treatment. Dr. Dmitry Skopincev, Chief Physician of CALENDULA Clinic, who is also a qualified neurologist, among other things, knows his field perfectly. The comprehensive programme under his guidance is tailored to the patient's condition.

For example, to block acute pain syndrome therapeutic blockades, acupuncture, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal therapies, compresses, massages, with particular attention to the pain point.

for headache treatment For example, relaxation procedures, cleansing of the nasal cavity of the face and nose, etc. are important. The combination of medicines with Ayurvedic procedures, herbal therapies and reflexology can eliminate pain and its underlying causes and slow down the development of complex pathologies.

Diseases involving damage to the central nervous system require a specific approach. Annak érdekében, hogy megállapítsák a betegség súlyosságát és a lehetséges kezelést, orvosi konzultációra, valamint aktuális állapotot tükröző leletekre, zárójelentésekre van szükség.

Mi várható a kezelést követően?
  • enyhülnek a betegség tünetei, vagy akár teljesen meg is szűnnek
  • csökken a stresszszint
  • javul a közérzet
  • nyugodtabbak a mindennapok
  • könnyedebb az alvás
  • javul a mentális egészsége
  • kiegyensúlyozottabb lesz a mindennapokban.

